Happy Weekend!

Wow, another weekend. It’s already AUGUST!!! This summer flew by.

I really haven’t gotten to do as much as I wanted this year. Bummer.
No camping, girls weekends or pool time (other than once)…oh well, such is life 🙂
And, compared to last summer, I am so pale!

This weekend, I have some of my California family visiting. I’m excited to see them & do some fun things.

I’m trying to put my overactive brain to rest the next few days and not dwell on things I cannot change right now. I need to believe that things will improve, perhaps that is faith?

I hope you all have the BEST weekend, with even BETTER ones to come! ♥

Mommy "Cooties"?

Sometimes I really feel like I have the good, ol’ fashioned “cooties”.

You know the ones. Where pretty much anyone you are associated with all of a sudden, just does not want to be around you or acknowledge you or anything. People stop calling, or emailing. You are there, but not really.

Sometimes I think it’s because I’m a mom. Then I think, it’s because I’m a single mom. I am kinda, well, “stuck”. I can’t go out on the spur of a moment. I can’t get completely wasted & party the night away, like I used to. Because, I have: responsibilites.

Sometimes, it really sucks having to be an adult. 😦

I do feel that I have come to the “end” of my time here in Idaho. I have done pretty much everything I could do here.

I’ve had numerous jobs. Mostly, dead-end.

I’ve had numerous relationships. Mostly, dead-end.

And, I never could really, truly “picture” myself being here long-term or being 100% happy. It just never fit.

It was either going back to California or somewhere completely new & different. And, that’s how I plan on living my life. I will know it when it’s right.
I am a person who thrives on the excitement and thrill of life. My mom once said to me, “Domestically, you will never be happy.” She was right. I am domestically-challenged. I won’t ever be a housewife or someone’s “property”. I will always want to travel the World, see new things, experience life & also, encourage my daughter to do the same.

There is more to life than a white picket fence. Trust me. There really is.

But, on an up note: I wouldn’t be who I am without having lived here for the past 15 years. Just as I wouldn’t be who I am if I had never been a runaway in Hollywood or had awful, tramatic, nightmare-ish things happen – everything that happens makes you YOU.

"Mama, Feed me!!!"

My little girl is very healthy. Just look at her. She could be a baby linebacker already.

But, just recently she has discovered how to open the refrigerator. Uh-oh.

Last night, she helped herself to eggs (not hard-boiled), 2 slices of bread AND an entire bag of apricots my boss gave me.

I snapped a few pics to document the hilarity.

This morning, she once again grabbed the bread & wolfed down an entire slice, while proclaiming “Yummy Bread!!!” Haha. Kids. Gotta love em.