
There are so many wonderful, chilling, inspiring, uplifting and mesmerizing quotes I have heard over the years. I am a total quote-slut. {Totally just made that word up, by the way. Don’t steal it!}

Few quotes resonate within me as deeply and to my core as this one. Ignore that it came from a teen TV series, okay? You never know just where you might find inspiration.

“Passion…it lies in all of us.
Sleeping. Waiting.
And though unwanted, unbidden…
It will stir..Open its jaws and howl.
It speaks to us, guides us.
Passion rules us all and we obey.
What other choice do we have?
Passion is the source of our finest moments.
The joy of love…the clarity of hatred..
and the ecstacy of grief.
It hurts sometimes more than we can bear.
If we could live without passion,
maybe we’d know some kind of peace.
But we would be hollow.
Empty rooms: shuttered and dank.

Without passion…
we’d be truly dead.”

AngelusPassion (2:17 episode 29)


Horror Kitsch

Horror movies are tops, in my opinion. The worse, the better. I really don’t care about quality either. B or C budget? Sure.
I pretty much love anything and everything to do with horror, monsters, ghosts, supernatural, goth. You get my drift.

I compiled this list based on what I love and obsess over…and I make no apologies.

1. Vampires.

Oh, I know. I know what you are thinking. So “cliche, so trendy, so juvenile.” Well, let me get something straight here. My love of vampires is not based on Twilight, True Blood or even, Buffy. It started way back, like 1985. I was weird; I loved horror movies even as a child. And, I rarely was scared. In fact, one of my earliest memories is watching “The Lost Boys” and being seriously pissed that Kiefer Sutherland got killed. Not that I wanted the “good guys” to die, just that I thought “Why are the vamps always getting picked on? They’re just hungry!”

And, add to this I was reading Anne Rice years before the movie, “Interview with the Vampire” was even out. I go way back to the Bela Lugosi and the Gary Oldman’s. Capiche?

But, I admit. Edward is yummy.

2. Crappy Horror Films

As I mentioned, the crappier the better. Seriously, I love bad acting, awful effects and fakeness. It makes for even more entertainment, in my opinion. I have a few that I love and they are beyond awful.
*Trick or Treat
*To Sleep with a Vampire
*Rawhead Rex
*Night of the Demons
*Fright Night 1 & 2
*any Elvira movie
*The Unnameable
*all of the Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and Friday the 13ths

3. Goth Music

I didn’t truly get the “goth” title until I was about 10. But even then, Motley Crue was all I could see so I ignored just how much I loved The Cure, Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus. Until I moved to Idaho. no clue why that happened then but it did and I spent many happy years, alone in my room, writing emo poetry and developing my now “tradesmark” eyeliner.

4. The “Look”

Which leads me to: The Look. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for me, I have always resembled a witch/vampire. No matter how I try to “tame down” my look, it really does no good. So, I just go with it. There are worse things, I’m sure.

5. The Guys

Yeah, yeah. I’ve been made fun of forever about this. I have never been a fan of Brad Pitt’s or George Clooney’s. Give me a Criss Angel, Brandon Lee, Marilyn Manson any day.

Years ago, when the Tom Green show was on, a friend of mine made fun of me relentlessly for a naive, air headed comment I made. Basically, on the TG show, he had a magazine called “Deathly Man Magazine”…it showed pics of guys who were pale, sickly and on drugs. Now, one of the guys I thought was cute and I was like “Where can I get this magazine?!” And…it was a joke. Not a real magazine and I was sad. My friend laughed so hard at me…I really don’t blame her.

I ♥ True Blood.

My newest guilty pleasure….mmmmmm.
My lord. I am a total nerd.

I love this show!!!

If you haven’t seen it, you need to.

Sweaty, sassy Southern vamps, rednecks, werewolves & voodoo priestesses. Lots of honky tonk, swamp music; Sexy men. And plenty of nudity and language. It’s HBO…gotta love ’em!


“Vampires never seem to go out of style. In the sexy, highly addictive HBO series True Blood, vampire romance is given yet another go, this time in the fictional town of Bon Temps in rural Louisiana. The show follows the strange adventures of telepathic barmaid Sookie Stackhouse, vampire Bill Compton and other townspeople in Bon Temps. Bill has decided to go “mainstream” after vampires came “out of the coffin” and feed on the synthetic “True Blood” invited by a Japanese scientist, rather than on that of people. The show is based off the popular nine-volume (and growing) Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries series by Charlaine Harris.”

Guilty Pleasures.

Wouldn’t you know it…..after months of complaining that I never have ANY time to read anymore, and how much I miss it; I finally have made time to read one book…..and of course, it’s about vampires.

But we aren’t talking Anne Rice. I’m talking a novel that within the first 2 chapters already had an elaborate, dramatic scene in a MALE VAMPIRE STRIP CLUB???!!! Yes, that’s what I said. MALE VAMPIRES, stripping. Schwing!
The story has gone on to feature a “WereRAT”, who has male genitalia and walks on his hind legs (eeeeeeegads!) and the main character is a tough-talking, vampire “hunter” or as they continually call her, “an animator”. Like she brings things back from the dead: vampires, ghouls, zombies, you get the picture.

As much as I would love to read one of the many classics I have yet to start….this one fell in my lap, thanks to my friend Dawn. It just goes to show, you can take the girl away from the bizarre….but you can’t take the bizarre away from the girl 🙂