Adventures in Boise

For Thanksgiving/my birthday weekend, my family made two excursions to The Idaho Aquarium and The Discovery Center (to see the Bodies Revealed exhibit). My daughter was in heaven and we all had a good time too =)

I am a big sissy when it comes to most “critters” – snakes, iguanas, and especially birds. So, walking into the Idaho Aquarium, I was on guard. But, Berlyn had a fantastic time. Her favorite part was touching sting rays and sharks…whaaaa?? That’s my girl: totally fearless.

The next day, we headed over to the Discovery Center. Berlyn had never been before so she was in for a treat. But, first we all went through the Bodies Revealed exhibit. There were No Pictures Allowed in that area, but, I was so thankful for my Mom’s covert ninja like skills in pic-taking when I pointed out Berlyn, standing in front of a body with a serious expression on her face. My Mom captured the photo like a champ! (Note: Berlyn stood like that for a good 3 or 4 minutes, concentrating very hard. I was so amused by her and couldn’t help but wonder what was going through her little brain…).

I literally had the BEST 4 day weekend I’ve ever had – so thankful, blessed and grateful for my life and the people in it. Not to mention the opportunities I have. I can’t forget to mention, not only is Christmas almost here (yippee!), I am in Vegas next weekend with 2 of my co-workers to party hard; I’m also seeing Snoop Dogg w/ my sister-in-law in 3 weeks. So STOKED ❤

Much love,



My “30-teens” are in full force these days and I couldn’t be happier.

Last Monday night, I went to a rock show. Here’s the back story…

In June, my brother came over to hang out. I rarely see my brother but, am always so happy when I do. We are one of those brother/sister combos’ who a) never fight b) actually like each other and c) are best friends. And, d) he’s cool and I’m cool 😉

We were on youtube one night and I was showing him random videos. I am a big KISS fan (yeah, go ahead and judge me…I dare ya), and all of a sudden, he said “Have you seen Ronnie Radke?”

Uh, no I have not. “Never heard of the guy” is what I said. My brother prefaces this with “He killed someone.” Curiosity piqued! SHOW ME! (he actually did not kill someone, FYI.)

So, he pulls up a video and I am pretty much done for.

If you have never been a fan-girl, or obsessive over rock stars then you have nothing to compare what I felt to , well…what I felt. It’s LIKE BEING ON CRACK, TIMES…ONE MILLION.

Love at first sight. Or, lust – to be accurate. Total obsession, compulsion, and all that crazy stuff. I saw this guy and I was right back in my bedroom at 12 years old, with my angst, my hormones and slobbering over my Motley Crue posters.

Yikes, like, this guy was H-O-T!!!! I thought I would internally combust when I saw him sing/gyrate/stand there. So gorgeous.

That’s where it starts. Of course I do my “research” and find out the guy is not only 5 years younger than me (gross, haha!) he is in and out of prison and a total train-wreck. Add to that, he’s a Sagittarius, like me.


What was ironic about my new crush was the fact that just a month or so later, they announced a tour and I snatched up two VIP tickets to their Boise show. The timing of this was unreal. Either I miss shows all the time by my favorite entertainers (because I’m not paying attention) or they just don’t stop in Idaho.

Obviously, I was meant to go to this show 😉 Naturally, I took my sister in law because this is her “kind of music” LOL (emo) but, I have the massive crush on the singer, not her. So, really she was doing me a favor since there was to be a “Meet and Greet” with the band before the show.

I was nervous as all hell. I had to laugh at myself but, really it made me smile. Moments like that make life worth living. Creating memories, being a goofball.

The “Meet and Greet” lasted all of 3 minutes. I said hello/thank you to each of the 5 members and I basically saw God when I looked into Ronnie Radke’s eyes (twice). That man is just BEAUTIFUL. I could barely function after that but, I managed.

I soon noticed that I was one of the oldest people there. The fanbase for Falling in Reverse and Ronnie is more or less 13 year old girls (which, mentally, I am anyways)…and I found myself chatting with 2 ladies who were moms of 14 year old girls (and were embarrassed to be there). One was 34, the other was 36. They stated their girls had gotten good grades so they brought them to the show. I said, “Oh…well, I’m here for me. Have you seen that singer?”

They stared at me blankly, and I could hear crickets. Hahahahaha.

In addition to all the “Ronnie Madness”, my sister in law and I enjoyed each other’s company immensely. We always do though. She is one of my best friends and she makes me laugh like a hyena.

I had my KISS cigarette lighter with me and I handed it to her and said “Name them.” She stared at it intently and said, “Gene………..?” Then stared again for a long time, concentrating. “Cat man….star man.” I was dying.

Once back inside, one of the opening acts was kinda weird….and she said “This band is strange. And I’ve seen Skinny Puppy!”

The night wasn’t complete without us yelling “YOLO!” at each other, my sis in law getting into a heated political discussion with 2 guys and me screaming at Ronnie to take his damn shirt off (he did.)

Great night ❤

Fall Fun!

I am going to attempt to capture all the goings-on in the last little while, though, I’ll probably leave some stuff out. Life has been moving at such a fast pace lately – sheesh!!

So, what have I done lately?


My job has offered me many great opportunities. One of which, is that I get to work for an amazing woman AND a wonderful company/cause. Celebrating my ONE YEAR anniversary this month!

My co-workers and I got to participate/attend a 1920s Mystery Dinner several weeks ago. SO FUN. My boss was in character the whole evening as a “showgirl” and we all knocked back a few gin n tonics while dressed in our best 20s attire.

Can you say, sassy ?! 😉

The next morning, my Mom and I participated in the Annual NAMI Walk, and this year my Aunt Wendy and best friend, Ivy joined us. {Berlyn was with her daddy that weekend.} I did a 5K! I hadn’t even planned on it, but, once we got going, it just made sense to finish. It felt so good!

That evening, I went to Haunted World for the first time in about 4 years. The last time, was rather….eventful {see this old post}. Can I just say how much I LOVE my sister in law? Like, seriously. I laugh harder than I ever have when she is around. Such great times! Oh my, the jokes we share, I couldn’t possibly share them all (or any of them, for that matter – because they are highly inappropriate, lol.)

By the end of the night, we were professing our love for each other, because, honestly even if she wasn’t married to my brother, she’d still be my “sister.” ♥

A few weeks ago, my Mom and I took Berlyn to the Idaho Botanical Gardens for Bug Day! {She even got to wear a bee suit.}

Berlyn just had her “picture day” at school. I am anxiously awaiting the results….god knows MY kindergarten picture was atrocious. But something tells me, Berlyn’s will be just fine. She’s such a cutie patootie – and, no, I’m not biased at all. (lol)

That’s all, for now!

Stay tuned though. This next week I’m attending that rock concert I’ve been freaking out over (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!) *hottie alert*


….my trip to TEXAS is right around the corner! I get THIS beautiful gal all to myself!


Snow Day!!!

Wow, Boise just got hit by the Snow Fairies (or Demons, as I like to call them.) *grumble*

Since I was home with Berlyn, we enjoyed it as much as we could. Got a few nice shots even though I have the crappiest, cheapest camera on Earth. She sure loves the snow. Is she seriously my daughter?! Her favorite thing to do? Eat it. Of course I had to give her the “Don’t eat brown, yellow, etc snow ever!” talk. She seemed very disturbed about the yellow snow especially…

Enjoy! =)

Is it just me or does my Dad look like the Unabomber?

Our Christmas Photo this year! And in one take, too!