The Flashback Project

One of the biggest things I have always, really, truly wanted to do was write.

That, and marry a rock star.

I have been writing since I was very young. My 1st memories are from age 7 or 8; writing awful, hideous “horror tales” (because frankly, that is what interested me.)

I didn’t actually enjoy writing until I got some recognition and encouragement. Which, oddly enough, was from my 4th grade teacher. Shortly after that, I won a writing contest at our local mall. LOL

But, the one thing I always come back to is – writing about my own life. My stories. My experiences. My adventures. There are so many (really, you have NO idea) and even though most people might find them utterly boring or silly (or hard to swallow), I like them. So, I am planning on sharing some of them here for you.

It will either be genuinely funny to you or you will just like laughing at my expense. But either way, I am perfectly fine with that.


D I Y. What a concept.

I am SO SO excited about all the ideas and inspiration I have been getting over at

I literally feel like I could be Martha Stewart – but, wayyyyyy cooler – if i really wanted to be.

But, it probably won’t happen. I am a Sagittarius after all and we are well, flakes.

I do intend to do some of the easier projects though very, very soon.

Like, this:

dresser drawer = dollhouse!

And, this:

spray painted plates and goblets = serving tray

And, this:

cereal canister = car trash can

And, this:

old suitcases = nightstand

And maybe even THIS:

ugly dresser = work of art

Oh, and this (I snapped this pic at the Art in the Park in Boise, ID – it’s not from pinterest.):

*You do need an invite to get onto Pinterest so I hope you can find someone to invite you. Or, if I like you, I’ll gladly send you one -teehee! =)
In addition to Pinterest, I found a site that I will probably visit every day.  And maybe add to myself in the future!
Better After does the whole “before/after” thing but I was astonished by some of the ideas. WHERE do people come up with this stuff?! Needless to say, after about an hour of perusing their website, I a) couldn’t get to sleep because of all the ideas that were zipping through my head and b) kept waking up to look at all the furniture in my house and plan their “makeovers” meticulously. 
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful obsession. ♥

Adjusting the (Blogging) Sails.

When I first started my blog, in 2007, I had no idea what I was doing.
I jumped on the bandwagon, full force. Over the years I’ve tried to figure out what EXACTLY I wanted my blog to represent and/or say about me. Or to others. The key is to share about yourself, your life, your thoughts, etc but not OVER SHARE. That is simply impossible for some people to do, myself included.

I am still not 100% sure how to attain this perfect symmetry of blog perfection, but I am getting there. I think.

As I’m attempting to bring together all of my ideas and go in a different direction with my personal blog, I stumbled across Elle Dark’s site (her tumblr, actually – everyone needs to have one!). I love her style. She definitely inspires me to think outside the box a little. Visit her here ———>

Stay tuned for some fresh and fun things from me…..soon, soon, soon!

Ciao! xo

photo courtesy of Elle Dark

My (Non Political) 9/11 Post

Everyone remembers where they were, what they were doing and what they felt on September 11th, 2001.
For some of us, it impacted our lives and our identities greatly.

I never watched the news up until that day. I had seen enough “ugly” in my own life and felt I was protecting myself by not being aware of the world affairs around me.

How young and naïve I was.

On the evening of 9/11, after watching about 5 straight hours of CNN, my parents tore me away from the TV and I wrote in my journal. I read it now and the entry is filled with fear and uncertainty. I, like so many others, felt a sort of panic. And maybe even something similar to what our ancestors felt during war times, I felt compelled to grasp onto family, happiness and my dreams/goals/ambitions. It’s no surprise that only 2 months after 9/11 happened, I moved back to California after having lived in Idaho for 7 years. I was miserable in Idaho and felt, “Hey, if my days are numbered, or, our nation’s days are numbered, I am going to go to where my heart is.” I needed to believe that if these were my last days I was truly going to be living.

But, I think we have all lost sight of what that day represented to us individually.. We felt a unity, a need to belong to the people and society around us. We felt such tremendous pride in our country and neighbors. But, 10 years later, I think things just went back to the way they were before.

It’s important to be one with your fellow man. This is something we can’t lose sight of and 9/11 reminds us of what can happen when we band together and believe in the goodness of the world.

Rest in peace, all those who were lost. And let us never forget.

Bohemianism, Fighting Back & An Update.


Lately life has become sparkly, shiny and new again.

After trudging through the murkiness of depression, personal and legal battles, ungeniune friends, laziness and lackluster ambitions (on my part) not to mention the humdrum daily life “stuff”; I have started to come out the other side.

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” -Albert Camus

The uneccessary excess has been cut and I only have time, room, energy and passion for the good kind of excess – “…being drunk on words, paintings, carvings, plays, love affairs, travel, meditation, olives, cypress trees, everydayness, movie images, sounds, naked flesh, all nighters.” ~ excerpt from “Bohemian Manifesto”
Fighting Back:

With that being said, I hope people can realize that this is a new girl standing (errr, writing) before you.

I have a backbone. I have some fiery-ness. I am not the doormat, the punching bag, the sickeningly sweet or passive girl you once knew.
You’ve been warned.


And what about the past year? 2011 has been a bitch, plain and simple. But then again, so have the previous 2 years.
I’ve just been in a personal R-U-T. I start to recognize the pattern usually once it’s too late. Every couple of years something absurd and awful happens to me……I lose myself. I start to fall victim to pleasing others. I begin to act like a simpering, brain dead, mainstream little ninny and let anyone and everyone treat me like garbage. It doesn’t matter if its a boyfriend, a girlfriend or a family member.
I roll over and play dead.
But, then something else begins to happen and I get re-charged, fired up and I always come out swinging.

So, what’s been going on?
* I am still single. Yeah, imagine that. And, happy. I may not have a man and I may not be a supermodel but I am pretty bad ass.

* My daughter is super-fricking-awesome. No contest. She just is. I can’t wait to see her take on the world.
* I have finally realized that life is more than a) being popular, b) being rich or c) being “normal.” Actually, I feel sorry for anyone who are those things. Well, not the being rich one. I’d take that ANYDAY.
* School, travel, a new home, writing, psychology, true love and a few other things are still VERY much a part of my present and future. Lucky me =)
Until next time….be a forger, a maverick, a renaissance (wo)man and make some new trails. Be true to YOU and blaze over anyone or thing that stands in your way!!!
“And these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds, are immune to your consultations. They’re quite aware of what they’re goin’ through.” – David Bowie