Adventures in Boise

For Thanksgiving/my birthday weekend, my family made two excursions to The Idaho Aquarium and The Discovery Center (to see the Bodies Revealed exhibit). My daughter was in heaven and we all had a good time too =)

I am a big sissy when it comes to most “critters” – snakes, iguanas, and especially birds. So, walking into the Idaho Aquarium, I was on guard. But, Berlyn had a fantastic time. Her favorite part was touching sting rays and sharks…whaaaa?? That’s my girl: totally fearless.

The next day, we headed over to the Discovery Center. Berlyn had never been before so she was in for a treat. But, first we all went through the Bodies Revealed exhibit. There were No Pictures Allowed in that area, but, I was so thankful for my Mom’s covert ninja like skills in pic-taking when I pointed out Berlyn, standing in front of a body with a serious expression on her face. My Mom captured the photo like a champ! (Note: Berlyn stood like that for a good 3 or 4 minutes, concentrating very hard. I was so amused by her and couldn’t help but wonder what was going through her little brain…).

I literally had the BEST 4 day weekend I’ve ever had – so thankful, blessed and grateful for my life and the people in it. Not to mention the opportunities I have. I can’t forget to mention, not only is Christmas almost here (yippee!), I am in Vegas next weekend with 2 of my co-workers to party hard; I’m also seeing Snoop Dogg w/ my sister-in-law in 3 weeks. So STOKED ❤

Much love,


Thanksgiving / Birthday Fun

Every year, most everyone is thankful for the same things. Family, friends, their job, their freedom…etc. These, I too am most thankful for. But this year I also added in I was thankful for “men that wear eyeliner.”


I had a good laugh over it, even my Mom had to crack a joke. Hey, life is too short to be so damn serious – sheesh!

Our Thanksgiving this year was a special one. My uncle from California was here, my aunt attended as well and I have never laughed as much as I did this time…I finally feel such a sense of peace and harmony when it comes to family – I am so thankful. No drama here!

The following day was my 33rd birthday. I spent the day watching “I Love Lucy”, painting fingernails and relaxing with my little girl. And the night before, our tree was put up – bring on Christmas!

My birthday was yet another day of laughter, good food and quality time with my family, creating memories. One of my relatives even said to me (I was wearing a skull shirt) that I was the only person she knew that could carry that off. I’ll take that compliment, lol! =)

I am not even sweating over the fact that I am 33. I could care less. My uncle asked me if I felt older…I thought about it; and said “No! Actually, I feel very young lately…” I am thankful for my youth and no matter how old my body gets…..I’ll always be a teenager at heart. Bhahahaha!

The highlight of the past 2 days was that my Mom got a brand new camera and some pretty awesome pics came as a result. I think Berlyn and I even got a Christmas pic for our card this year!

I bought these socks for my Dad and brother while in Texas – I was pleased with their reactions…

My brother is a proud owner of a crotch-rocket!

The Fonz!

Our Family “Gang” Pic: LOL! My Dad turned his back, and my brother’s face is killing me

Bet y’all didn’t know I was 321, huh? See…I am a vampire.

My Princess and I, 11-22-12 ❤

Texas & Ryan Gosling.

Heyyyy, y’all!

I’m back from my incredible visit to Texas. (Actually, I’ve been back for 2 weeks and just now getting to blog about it…life is crazy!) My trip lasted 10 days and was more than I would’ve hoped for. It doesn’t hurt that my best friend is AMAZING. She was the best hostess ever and made my visit so enjoyable.

Oh, and Ryan Gosling, you say? Yeah, I saw him.

Anyways, now that I’m back, I just want to go back. Or move there permanently, like I wanted to do 3 years ago. But, it’s not in the cards…as of yet. At least I can always plan on an annual trip!

What happened? Well, besides the nice Ryan Gosling sighting, I enjoyed 10 days with my soul sista: relaxing, eating a ton of delicious breakfast tacos, mexican food and BBQ, checking out the local haunts (including The Continental Club to see The SuperCreeps, a David Bowie cover band – this is where we spotted Mr. Gosling), listening to KUT Austin, a ton of successful vintage shopping, laser tag/go-carts, getting tattooed, checking out a night of improv, celebrating Halloween with both a party AND a big screen showing of “The Exorcist 2” – don’t. ask. And a quick stop at Ginny’s Chicken Shit Bingo (which, is exactly what it sounds like it is…think about it…) – we even managed to watch countless episodes of 2 of our favorite TV shows – “Freaks & Geeks” and “True Blood”….and I can’t forget to mention spending some quality time with her animal children, Rio, Jinx and Nina S ❤

*I’m sure most of you living in the Northwest, where I live, can hate me for enjoying 10 days of 75-85 degree weather at the end of October. I relished it; especially since I left and came back to 30-40 degree weather. Blah!

After I’d been there for about 2 days, my best friend said “We still have a week – let’s pace ourselves.” She had a point – we did so much, I came back 1000% more tired than when I left.

But, it was so worth it. I loved every minute. And, I concluded very quickly, I could be a Southern girl just like that…. *snaps*!

Here are some pics! There were A LOT, so hence, the collages.

Going out….

Ginny’s Chicken Shit Bingo:

An afternoon at Austin Parks:Shopping, sight-seeing…


Halloween Party-time:

Halloween Night, downtown Austin:

Animal Family ❤

Out n’ About in the Neighborhood:

Food and Drinks!: