A Conversation with Dad.

On Christmas Eve, my dad, mom and our family friend, Stephanie were sitting around the fire, drinking wine.

Somehow or other, the subject came to my (lack of a) love life. How nice.

I was expressing my frustration about the quality of men and how I just want to meet my ideal man. Not so hard?

Me: “All I want is a good-looking, artistic, faithful and intelligent musician. Is that too much to ask?”

My mom and Stephanie, in unison “Yes.”

Dad: “What about Harry Conick Jr?”


Me: “He’s married, Dad.”

Dad: “Oh yeah. (pause)…….Then how about a doctor? He can buy you a Mercedes and then, you can have another child?”

Me: “Sure Dad. That’ll happen…”

Stephanie: “I’ll fight you for that Doctor, Sarah.”

Laughing ensued.

Awww, I love my family.

Santa was good to us.

To say I was overwhelmed by all the good fortune and blessingsĀ that came my way this last month is an understatement.

Not only did I get rewarded nicely by my job (new iPhone, new laptop), I also was able to finally give Berlyn the Christmas she truly deserved. Being a single parent is not easy, obviously. It’s not an excuse to say that I’ve struggled, blah blah blah but, hey – it is HARD! And it has left me feeling that I wasn’t able to show my gratitude completely to my loved ones. I know money isn’t everything but it sometimes helps, especially when you’ve been so blessed by others generosity and could never reciprocate. This year, I felt that I could.

With that being said, thank you to my family, friends and co-workers. I am genuinely touched by your presence in my life and I love you!

This Christmas was the best we’ve had in YEARS. My family really pulled it together to make it wonderful for my little girl and that is what Christmas is about…family. And, Jesus – of course.

Berlyn’s take home was nothing to laugh at. She walked away with a cute little bike, roller blades, a tiny kitchen just her size, a LeapFrog laptop, a set of 4 Barbies, multiple books & puzzles, a sewing kit and a doll from my sister in California – with CUSTOM MADE doll clothes. My sister is an amazing lady (she made custom Barbie clothes for me AND porcelin dolls when I was younger.) My favorite of Berlyn’s gifts? A beautiful royal purple peacoat – I almost swiped it. But, I’d need to lose like, 70 pounds.

IĀ got just the perfect amount of gifts and I am so thankful for my family & friends who thought of me this year.

And my parents were gifted a membership in a local wine shop for an entire year – 2 bottles of wine a month, paid for by yours truly. They were VERY impressed, haha!

So…onto the pictures!

Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve = zonked out

Barbie Bonanza!

Can I get one in MY size?! (Berlyn’s London Fog Purple Peacoat)

My Beautiful Girl

Big Girl Bike

Happy New Year, friends! 2012 is truly going to be a year to remember.

Much love, Sarah and Berlyn xoxo

Merry Christmas from Us!

It’s that time!

Christmas is upon us and I am starting to finally get excited. Up until now I honestly haven’t had TIME to prepare, think about or even realize it was almost Christmas. In fact, I just did my shopping THIS MORNING (it’s the 23rd). My job (and the rest of my life) have become so busy I sometimes don’t even realize what day it is.

It is the 23rd, right?

So, here is my quick post just to say hello, and wishing everyone a wonderful holiday – Berlyn and I are off to Grandma’s house (my mom’s) for a ton of FOOD, FAMILY, FESTIVITIES…and BOOZE. The booze is for me, not Berlyn.

After this weekend, I am jumping back on the “health horse”, eating clean and finally, quitting smoking {my bff in Austin just sent me a great book on how to kick the habit – yay!} I’ll keep everyone posted.

Happy Holidays from Us! ā™„

I had to share;Ā Berlyn came home from daycare last night with this:


I think this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seenĀ (and pretty genius too!) Berlyn has already sprinkled some on our lawn for the reindeer and then, saved the remainder for our 2 nights at Grandma and Grandpa’s House. Such a stinking cute idea, gah! I love it.

Beware of men in masks and other crazies.

For the first time,Ā  I decided to try out one of those “dating sites.”

Well, that’s a lie. I did attempt one over 2 years ago – and that was a mistake. A guy I had been CUH-RAZY about had ended things because he “wasn’t looking” – well, he was on there and boy, was he looking! Turns out he just wasn’t looking for me.

So, I thought I’d give it another go.

First visitor? A jazz lover, who quoted Oscar Wilde and does not like football. And, he’s cute. SCORE!

Then…..I clicked on “who had viewed my profile.”

Big mistake.

God, I wish I could post the pic of the guy who viewed my profile. But I am pretty sure this would be unethical and against the law or something. I did, however, share it with several of my closest friends, for laughs. And boy, did they DIE.

To put it in a nutshell, he made the guy from “Silence of the Lambs” look tame. He wore a Mardi Gras mask, was shirtless and looked a little like Fabio.

Why is this the kind I attract?! *shakes head*

Regardless….the verdict is out on the dating site thing. For now. Hopefully the cute, decent guy turns out to be just that…a cute, decent guy. But I’m not in any hurry to begin dating again so, really….I have nothing to lose!

Thankfully, I have not given out my real name.

Merry Christmas….to me!

I bought myself an early Christmas present…..and I am itching to start using it!

Behold, my very own micro-cassette recorder. This is when I realize how much of a GEEK I really am. And, I am SUCH a high roller. It put me out about $20.

This was the inspiration:

Don’t you see the resemblance? Lol. Ok, so I’m not a detective in Twin Peaks but I do have a brain like a bullet train sometimes, especially while I’m driving and trying to write down my thoughts/ideas while driving; it’s not very practical. Or safe.

Hoping this will be the catalyst to finally get some words down onto paper!


We all have things that we identify ourselves with. When I think of myself, I think of several things: jazz, art, bohemianism, goth, old Hollywood and, David Lynch.

I decided to write a post about all things Lynch. Obviously I know the majority of you might care less, but, this is a man close to my heart and I may be a wee bit obsessed over him. Just a wee bit.

To those in the dark, David Lynch is a film director. His list of works have included: ‘Twin Peaks”, “The Elephant Man”, “Dune”, “Lost Highway”, “Wild at Heart”, “Blue Velvet”, “Mulholland Drive” , “Inland Empire” and several others.

My fascination – because, honestly, there is no other word – began in the mid 90s. I have always loved film. And as I got older I realized how much I began to appreciate it. Especially artsy, weird and non Hollywood box office film. David Lynch was the obvious if I was interested in this type.

I remember watching “Lost Highway” sometime after it came out (1996) and being utterly riveted by it. Not because I understood it. It was because I couldn’t understand it and my curiosity was peaked. I spent hours mulling it over in my mind. ‘What did it mean? What was he trying to say or convey? What was the actual storyline?’

I couldn’t answer any of those questions. But I tried and tried to anyways.

Eventually my verdict was this: It’s not supposed to make sense. It makes sense to him, the director, and that is what makes it art.

(For the record, I still don’t know what ‘Lost Highway” is about and I’ve watched it about 50 times.)

Then, I began to seek out the rest of his films, maybe in the hopes of figuring out what made him tick.

“Mulholland Drive” was next and this is still my favorite work of Lynch’s.

I was late on “Twin Peaks.” I kick myself for that. It’s became an unnatural obsession for me, but, a comforting one and I can’t imagine my life without it. Yes, I know it’s a tv series and yes, I know I probably need to get a life. Do I care? Nope.

When I’ve been asked by friends, family or strangers about David Lynch, I say this:

“His work is like a puzzle. A giant brain jigsaw. I love that it makes me perplexed, makes my head hurt and leaves me in confusion.”

This is the appeal to me. It’s a challenge. There is no giant, pretty bow at the end of his films. There is no clear answer. You are left having to make your own assumptions or endings and this is true genius, in my opinion.

There are obvious themes in his work though; other dimensions, multiple personalities, good vs evil. His themes are one thing I am sure of and can count on everytime.

So, how about all of you? Is there a film, a band, a work of art that makes you, you? Anything that is an obsession for you that others might not understand? I would like to know! =)

iPhone Phrenzy

I am notorious for being “behind” on many things; especially when it comes to trends or technology.

I grew up with a typewriter and this is how I wrote all of my poems and stories in my teens.

I was thoroughly annoyed and unimpressed when DVDs came upon the scene. I had, at the time, about 400 VHS tapes and refused to spend a bazillion dollars to “update” my movie collection into DVDs. (I still own those 400 VHS tapes, by the way) but I now own several hundred DVDs too.

And, the smart phone? I was pretty late on that too. So far I’ve only had the bottom of the barrel technology because a) I am not much of a talker or texter to begin with and b) I seem to have a tendency to drop my phone a lot (usually in water).

The iPhone was not something I considered at all. Until, my boss told me I was getting one through the company.

Uh, okay! I’ll TAKE IT!

So now I’m obsessed with how it’s going to “look.” Haha, not uncommon for me. I have always been a visual, aesthetic person. Whether it’s my face, the walls of my home or my furniture….I pay attention to the visual aspect of things.

Here starts my hunt for the perfect iPhone case. These are the contenders at the moment:

This one…just made me laugh. Can you imagine? I am almost tempted….

But, I am 99% sure this is the one that will be the winner: The Dale Cooper/Twin Peaks “Diane” cover. I am drooling

Latest Obsession: Brass Beds

My own bed has had no headboard or footboard for nearly 2 years. I guess you could say, it’s been naked. Or…really, I’ve just been poor and living in a very “bohemian” way.

I am now shopping for my DREAM BED.

These have all sparked my lust and soon I hope to own one of these beauties…. =)

In case you’re wondering…this is where the inspiration REALLY came from:

Don’t watch if you have a soft heart or a weak stomach

I stumbled across this video (short film) a few days ago and I just about lost it.

I was pretty much fuming even though, obviously, it’s a film made for a purpose. And, it’s of a doll…not a real child.

Just the words, the context, the ugliness made me want to punch someone’s lights out.

What is it about mental health awareness that so many don’t understand? Abuse is rampant in SO many different forms. With all the bullying, child abuse and downright shitty treatment of people who are “different” in our society, it’s no wonder we haven’t turned into a bunch of neanderthals, running around clubbing each other.

How many times do we need to try and get across how HURTFUL words are. How hurtful loved ones, as well as complete strangers, can be to each other. How hurtful it is to have low self-esteem and be made fun of for it or for any kind of viewed “weakness”.

This is why I believe in mental health awareness. This is why I do what I do for a living. This is why those in the mental health industry deserve your kudos. This is also why being a mother is the most rewarding and special purpose in life I could ever wish for…and, I am thankful for it every day.

Here’s to spreading awareness and hoping those out there who mistreat others will understand that their actions are not okay.

Be heard!
