When Love & Music Collide

I feel very sorry for anyone who has never been totally, 110%, madly in love with a band or artist. Even better than that is the initial “discovery” of them, when they are brand new and you fall in love with their music, their look, whatever it is that draws you in.You can’t get enough of them, you listen to the same song on repeat 20 times, you feel something deeper and more intense than just some Top 40 hit on the radio. It speaks to you.

It has got to be one of the biggest highs I’ve ever experienced in life.

Just recently *BAM* I got hit.

AFI (A Fire Inside) have been around for a long, long time. I have known about them since about 2002. I was a moderate fan of their music, but a HUGE fan of their singer. My earliest memory was pretty typical of me. I had a MySpace account and was “meeting new people/making friends over the internet.” This really cool punk/goth girl befriended me and I noticed she liked AFI’s singer, Davey Havok in her info. I said “Oh my god, he is sooo hot!” Um, well, because he is. Actually “hot’s” not the word for him, more like stunningly gorgeous, but, eh.

Anyways, I immediately got deleted. Apparently, you aren’t supposed to talk about how beautiful Davey Havok is. It’s like “Fight Club” or something.

I told my sister-in-law this story the other night and she burst out laughing. “I am so glad you said that.” I guess there are/were a lot of “scene girls” who get mad when people focus on his looks. Stuuuupid.

Long story – to the point. Stumbled across them again about 2 months ago and I lost it. Just totally can’t handle how in love with their music I am – and him. Musically they have got to be just one of the best bands of all time….and that VOICE.

Something worth mentioning – which, really has nothing to do with their music – is that Davey is one of the few musicians who lives a “straight edge” lifestyle. I’d never heard this term, so you’re probably scratching your head.

“Straight edge is a subculture and subgenre of hardcore punk whose adherents refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, and other recreational drugs. It was a direct reaction to the sexual revolution, hedonism, and excess associated with punk rock. For some, this extends to not engaging in promiscuous sex, following a vegetarian or vegan diet, and not using caffeine or prescription drugs.”

He goes against everything a typical rock star should be, but because of it, he’s better. Never in a million years did I think I would love a musician who was any of those things – haha!

I actually love their less mainstream stuff, but, they don’t have many videos for those. So, enjoy.

AFI – Miss Murder

AFI – Love Like Winter

Blaqk Audio – Stiff Kittens (Davey’s side project)

Goddess/”Goth” Fest, 2012

One of the traditions I now adhere to every year is attending the GoddessFest in Boise, ID during the summer. It’s a 2 day event in the park with booths, crafts, tarot readings, spiritual reminders, trinkets, and…add to that, face-painting and belly dancing. all next to an incredible flower garden. It’s always amazing =)

Today, my best friend and my daughter attended and fun was had by all! Check it out…

{Oh, and the “Goth” part of the title? Well, leave it to ME to make it goth…still happens everywhere I go. First, we spot Elvira, then my daughter demands a bat to be painted on her face. Let’s not forget to mention, I look goth no matter what I do/don’t do. It’s a curse I’m willing to live with…. ;)}


We all have things that we identify ourselves with. When I think of myself, I think of several things: jazz, art, bohemianism, goth, old Hollywood and, David Lynch.

I decided to write a post about all things Lynch. Obviously I know the majority of you might care less, but, this is a man close to my heart and I may be a wee bit obsessed over him. Just a wee bit.

To those in the dark, David Lynch is a film director. His list of works have included: ‘Twin Peaks”, “The Elephant Man”, “Dune”, “Lost Highway”, “Wild at Heart”, “Blue Velvet”, “Mulholland Drive” , “Inland Empire” and several others.

My fascination – because, honestly, there is no other word – began in the mid 90s. I have always loved film. And as I got older I realized how much I began to appreciate it. Especially artsy, weird and non Hollywood box office film. David Lynch was the obvious if I was interested in this type.

I remember watching “Lost Highway” sometime after it came out (1996) and being utterly riveted by it. Not because I understood it. It was because I couldn’t understand it and my curiosity was peaked. I spent hours mulling it over in my mind. ‘What did it mean? What was he trying to say or convey? What was the actual storyline?’

I couldn’t answer any of those questions. But I tried and tried to anyways.

Eventually my verdict was this: It’s not supposed to make sense. It makes sense to him, the director, and that is what makes it art.

(For the record, I still don’t know what ‘Lost Highway” is about and I’ve watched it about 50 times.)

Then, I began to seek out the rest of his films, maybe in the hopes of figuring out what made him tick.

“Mulholland Drive” was next and this is still my favorite work of Lynch’s.

I was late on “Twin Peaks.” I kick myself for that. It’s became an unnatural obsession for me, but, a comforting one and I can’t imagine my life without it. Yes, I know it’s a tv series and yes, I know I probably need to get a life. Do I care? Nope.

When I’ve been asked by friends, family or strangers about David Lynch, I say this:

“His work is like a puzzle. A giant brain jigsaw. I love that it makes me perplexed, makes my head hurt and leaves me in confusion.”

This is the appeal to me. It’s a challenge. There is no giant, pretty bow at the end of his films. There is no clear answer. You are left having to make your own assumptions or endings and this is true genius, in my opinion.

There are obvious themes in his work though; other dimensions, multiple personalities, good vs evil. His themes are one thing I am sure of and can count on everytime.

So, how about all of you? Is there a film, a band, a work of art that makes you, you? Anything that is an obsession for you that others might not understand? I would like to know! =)

Eighties Power

Oh, I feel very sorry for anyone who doesn’t love the 80s.

To most people, it is no secret that I am all about the eighties. The men, the music, the fashion, the movies, the television, the attitude. If I had a choice between shuttling back into time ….it’d be a hard choice between the 40s, 50s and…the 80s. Ugh! So hard!

So, last night I FINALLY saw the newest Duran Duran video.

Oddly enough, I didn’t know anything about it. I’ve been so out of the loop with albums, movies, etc. for like, an entire year. I used to be so right on top of all that shit.
How did I hear about it? One of my employees is a hardcore 80s, punk and new wave fan and she actually sent me an email out of the blue. I’ve only met her once but the conversation we had about music was enough to cement a new friendship. (She also mentioned she thought I was rockabilly more than goth, based on my look. Haha! Totally flattering, either way.)

And here it is! The new Duran Duran video. Or, the month old video anyways.

FYI – I also know a colossal amount about supermodels…of the 80s and 90s. I pretty much studied them when I was a teenager. So, it was such a fun surprise to see Naomi, Cindy and…HELENA in the video. Kinda brought me back to my “old self” in more ways than one 😉

Our Halloween

Even though Halloween is naturally my favorite holiday {have you seen me?} – this year was extremely low-key.

Which, I am fine with. But I always hope that the next year will be crazy, over-the-top.  And it will be. Oh, just wait, peeps! But, it’s a secret until then… 😉

For now, we did the pumpkins. Very anti-climatic, I might add.
And then the trick or treating.

That was it. No parties. No elaborate decorating. I didn’t even have a “costume”. Well, granted with my normal hair and make-up, people always think I’m “something or other.” Halloween is the easiest day of the year for me to finally fit in!

Berlyn’s costume was bought a good 2 months in advance. I had to hide it so she wouldn’t  play dress up in it – it was fricking expensive!!! But it was worth it. SO CUTE!

I was especially excited about trick or treating this year because of our new neighborhood. We live in a historic district and the homes, trees, atmosphere is amazing for Halloween. We weren’t disappointed!

 Until next year!

Parenting WIN

I have always been boy-crazy. Like, since the age of 3 or something. It’s ridiculous.
I was curious when my own little one would start down that path. And, ladies and gents, I think it’s starting….
Not only that, her taste seems awfully familiar.
Behold, Berlyn’s first official crush:

And to show that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? Here are MY first crushes:
Notice anything similar?

Netflix = Godsend or Curse?

We signed up for the “free trail” of Netflix on our (new, 42 inch flat screen) TV.

Little did I know what I was getting myself into.
Immediately I knew this was either the greatest thing to ever happen to us…or, a grave mistake.
Countless episodes of:
  • Toddlers and Tiaras
  • Clean House
  • Hoarders
  • Mad Men
  • Law and Order
  • Medium
  • Ghost Adventures
  • Criss Angel Mindfreak (drool)
  • Heroes
  • Parenthood
  • Weeds
  • Bones
  • Reno 911
  • Intervention
  • Dr 90210
  • Nip/Tuck
  • Prison Break
  • Breaking Bad
  • Paranormal State
  • The Wonder Years
  • Psych
  • Caillou
  • Spongebob Squarepants
  • Dora the Explorer

 AND MORE…..All at our little fingertips.

I could always watch Army Wives, Jersey Shore, Teen Mom or Pawn Stars…but, WHY?
I have already spent a few evenings (into the wee hours of the AM) scrolling thru my options.

God help us when the actual ‘full blown membership’ (and 1000s more to choose from) kicks in….

(Let me not forget to mention that there are MOVIES on there as well, not just TV shows. I am in so.much.trouble.)
In the wise words of Al Bundy, “They will be able to find me by the butt prints on my couch cushion if I ever go missing.” 
Scary, scary thought.