Latest Obsession: Brass Beds

My own bed has had no headboard or footboard for nearly 2 years. I guess you could say, it’s been naked. Or…really, I’ve just been poor and living in a very “bohemian” way.

I am now shopping for my DREAM BED.

These have all sparked my lust and soon I hope to own one of these beauties…. =)

In case you’re wondering…this is where the inspiration REALLY came from:

I (No Longer) Hate Mondays

I’ve been in the “working world” for about 13 years. I finished school early and went right into working FULL-TIME, at age 16. For the last 10, I’ve worked in the corporate world.
But, now all of that has changed. Thanks to my recent lay-off (yes, I said “thanks” because they really did do me a favor); I can now stay home with my daughter, use my time to explore other options and also, relax. A lot. I am very, very grateful.

Today has been a great Monday. Waking up on your own, and not to a blaring alarm, is priceless. Getting to spend an hour or two in your cozy jammies and drink coffee while watching cartoons while everyone else is at their desk? Even better. All whilst hugging my little 2 year old munchkin over and over and knowing, I don’t have to leave her for 9 hours a day.

This afternoon, I enjoyed a delicious chicken panini and watched a Rita Hayworth flick on Turner Classic Movies I’d never seen before, “Miss Sadie Thompson (1953).” What a heavenly way to spend a crisp, fall day inside!

I am definitely planning on using this time (however long it lasts) to my best and full advantage. I have so many ideas & plans….so, stay tuned 🙂 I hope everyone is having a nice day – less than one week til Halloween! I’ll be sure to post some pics of Berlyn in her costume!


My Grandmother is a person I think of often.
I miss her a lot. I lost her when I was only 6 years old. But, luckily I have happy, vivid memories of her to this day.

Her name was Dorothy but she sometimes went by “Dottie.”

my grandparents, 1950
She was born in 1932 in Culver City, California. 

(this is the lot that MGM was built on)
Culver City is a city in western Los Angeles County, California and is known as “The Heart of Screenland” because it was the heart of motion picture production some years before Hollywood claimed the distinction of being it’s center.

She danced.

(Dottie, on the far right)

She wrote poetry. She loved film, music and literature.

She adored traveling the World. And, loved Siamese cats. Judy Garland was one of her favorite entertainers.

One of the most memorable tales I have of her is how she saw part of the filming of “Gone With The Wind” when she was a girl, in her hometown of Culver City, CA. How jealous I was! It became one of my favorite films when I was around 9 years old; I was riveted.

(National Talents Quest – Dottie Evans)
I love that she used to take me to the ballet. Her home always smelled of coffee and there were jazz or classical records playing in the background. She exposed me to so much culture and art at a young age, I can’t help but be so very grateful for the time I had her. I miss her most when I think of all the things I am interested in now. The vintage clothing, the big band music, the days of a bygone era when things just seemed “simplier” and happy. I wish she were here so I could talk to her and get to know who she really was.

In her later years, she raised a family. My mom, my uncle and my aunt. She was a homemaker and a devoted wife and mother. She later went back to school to become an RN. Then, travel. Lots and lots of travel! My grandparents went everywhere. Japan, Germany, Holland, England, Switzerland. Because of this, they opened up their home to foreign exchange students to stay with them. Some of my best memories of childhood are of the wonderful people I met.

***I found many great photos of her, thanks to my Mom, who has such a love and respect for history & memories.  I thought I’d share a few with you!
These make me so happy – especially because I remember how much I loved my grandparents and how happy they made everyone, and me.
Enjoy the pics! ♥

(that darling little girl in white gloves? That’s my Mom.)